  • December 28, 2021 3:59 am
  • Manitoba, Canada

Before DSLRs and smartphones were a thing, people made memories on film cameras. They especially loved the disposable cameras, which were cheaper than anything. Want to learn more about these beautiful antique cameras? Read on! #ThinkWithNiche


  • Category : Boats & Water Crafts
  • Condition : Recondition


  • Today your pocket has a very powerful device that can catch anything and make it a memory for you. Yes, you guessed it right, your smartphone. It can take photos for you and keep them digitally available for an eternity. Today photographs are mostly taken from a mobile both professionally and just for fun. DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are the things to look at in this era. Owning a mirrorless is somewhat a status symbol. Professional photographers use everything from a phone to a full-frame mirrorless to capture any moment. The question for you is, do you know about the camera that existed before the digital revolution? Yes? Amazing! No? No issues! I’m here to tell you about the ancestor of these digital cameras that became the partner of some legendary photographers of all time.